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    EVH 5150 III 15W LBX-S CABEZAL GUITAR Cyber Week

    EVH 5150 III 15W LBX-S CABEZAL GUITAR Cyber Week

    CODIGO: 05552VH017

    The EVH® 5150III® 15W LBX-S Head packs legendary tone into a diminutive 15-watt amp. A crossbreed between the LBXI and the LBXII, the seductively dark stealth LBX-S blends the Green “clean” channel with the Red “full ...

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    ¡Precio rebajado!
    618.00€ IVA incluído

    772.10€ IVA incluído

    (19.96% dto)



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    The EVH® 5150III® 15W LBX-S Head packs legendary tone into a
    diminutive 15-watt amp.

    A crossbreed between the LBXI and the LBXII, the seductively dark stealth
    LBX-S blends the Green “clean” channel with the Red “full burn” channel for a
    sonically diverse soundscape — from pristine cleans that soar to that
    sizzling modern Brit sound with high-gain attitude.

    Armed with four JJ ECC83S (12AX7) preamp tubes and two JJ EL84 power
    tubes, this easy-to-carry lunchbox head also includes dual-concentric gain
    and volume controls for precise and independent control of each channel, as
    well as shared EQ presence and resonance controls.

    Dial in a crystal clean tone or turn the gain up for a bluesier counterpart on
    the Green channel, and hit the one-button footswitch to select the Red
    channel for a no-nonsense, scorching overdriven tone that sets leads ablaze
    with sustain for days.

    Bedroom players can utilize the 1/4-power switch to reduce the head to 3.5
    watts and avoid disturbing the rest of the household, while studio and live
    musicians can leverage this same feature to turn up the head for a squeezed
    and spongy tone. This amp is also equipped with dual parallel speaker
    output jacks, effects loop and one-button footswitch.

    Boasting exceptional construction, fierce tone and distinctive style, the
    wildly fun LBX-S Head features a black front panel and black metal grill cage
    with the Stealth EVH-striped motif. Unique to the LBX-S, this head also has
    internal LED backlighting that illuminates the cage in either green or red to
    match the selected channel. And just like all Stealth models, the LBX-S has
    been modded to include an adjustable bias control port.

    A high-quality fitted cover is available as an accessory item.

    Consulta técnica sobre el producto


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