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    CODIGO: 15007AV002

    The Great Book of Studies 100 beautiful studies for Piano piano - German - English - French editor: Heumann, Hans-Günter Publisher: Schott Music Practising studies? 'Yes, of course', some say. 'No, rather not,...

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    The Great Book of Studies
    100 beautiful studies for Piano
    piano - German - English - French
    editor: Heumann, Hans-Günter
    Publisher: Schott Music
    Practising studies? 'Yes, of course', some say. 'No, rather not,'
    others say. The educational benefit of studies for the training as
    a pianist, however, is undisputed among experts if the study is
    not played mechanically but used specifically to learn to master
    certain technical and musical problems. The present 'great book
    of studies' contains everything that is needed for the technical
    training on the elementary and intermediate levels of piano
    lessons – including beautiful studies by Bertini, Burgmüller,
    Czerny, Duvernoy, Gurlitt, Heller, Lemoine, Schumann, Türk, and
    many others. The great book of studies is divided in 14 chapters,
    each of which dealing specifically with different technical issues.
    In so-called 'preparatory exercises', the player can work on the
    respective technical problems in a concentrated and problem-
    oriented manner. The subsequent studies have been chosen
    such that they are both technically useful and musically

    - Playing five-fingers exercises: Preparatory exercises
    - L. Schytte, op. 108/1
    - C. Czerny, op. 599/15, op. 599/16, op. 599/18
    - C.A. Löschhorn, op. 191/29, op. 181/30
    - Scales: Preparatory exercises
    - A.H. Lemoine, op. 37/1, op. 37/2
    - F. Beyer, op. 101/83, op. 101/65
    - J.B. Duvernoy, op. 176/1, op. 176/5
    - C. Czerny, op. 599/69
    - C.A. Löschhorn, op. 191/37, op. 181/38
    - Alternating the hands: Preparatory exercises
    - R. Schumann, op. 68/14
    - L. Schyte, op. 108/5
    - C. Gurlitt, op. 201/19
    - C. Czerny, op. 849/29
    - S. Heller, op. 45/2
    - Chards, broken chords: Preparatory exercises
    - E. Pütz: Mixolydische Etüde
    - C.A. Löschhorn, op. 181/15, op. 181/16
    - J.B. Duvernoy, op. 176/4
    - S. Heller, op. 125/117
    - A.H. Lemoine, op. 37/35
    - C. Gurlitt: Etüde
    - C. Czerny, op. 139/70
    - C. Gurlitt, op. 201/22
    - Artikulation: Preparatory exercises
    - F. Burgmüller, op. 100/2
    - C. Czerny, op. 139/24, op. 599/45
    - L. Schytte, op. 68/2
    - H. Bertini, op. 29/16
    - Melody in the left hand: Preparatory exercises
    - L. Schyte, op. 108/12
    - F. Burgmüller, op. 100/7, op. 100/9, op. 100/15
    - Repetitions: Preparatory exercises
    - J.B. Duvernoy, op. 176/25
    - L. Schytte, op. 108/10, op. 108/11
    - H. Bertini, op. 100/6
    - F. Burgmüller, op. 100/17
    - L. Schytte, op. 68/15
    - Playing in thirds, sixths, other combinations: Preparatory
    - D.G. Türk: Etüde
    - J.B. Duvernoy, op. 176/24
    - F. Burgmüller, op. 100/4
    - C. Czerny, op. 481/38
    - F. Brugmüller, op. 109/6
    - S. Heller, op. 45/12
    - Ornaments: Preparatory exercises
    - C. Czerny, op. 849/4
    - F. Brugmüller, op. 100/13
    - C.A. Löschhorn, op. 52/5
    - S. Heller, op. 125/13
    - Chromatics: Preparatory exercises
    - C. Czerny, op. 599/56
    - F. Beyer, op. 101/105
    - F. Burgmüller, op. 105/3
    - J.W. Häßler, op. 49/4
    - Playing in octaves: Preparatory exercises
    - J.W. Häßler, op. 49/5
    - C. Gurlitt, op. 201/16
    - F. Burgmüller, op. 109/12 -Velocity: Preparatory exercises
    - M. Schoenmehl: Der Purzelbaumkönig
    - L. Schytte, op. 108/16, op. 108/23
    - C. Czerny, op. 821/1-2, op. 821/3 , op. 599/61
    - H. Bertini, op. 100/10
    - C. Czerny, op. 139/100, op. 139/42
    - F. Burgmüller, op. 109/10
    - Appendix: Major scales in octaves with chord inversions
    - Chromatic scale
    - Harmonic minor scales in octaves with chord inversions
    - Major-minor cadence

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